
“Mike is a truly gifted music teacher with a high level of emotional intelligence that he uniquely applies to motivating his students to excellence. Mike is genius at identifying his student’s musical strengths and trouble spots; he encourages the first while strengthening the latter with a customized and confidence-building approach.

Mike engages and keeps his student’s interest with a variety of mediums such as technology and incentives and keeps their learning curve high with a broad array of musical selections.”

Student’s Mother

“My daughter had been taking group lessons at a well known musical instrument foundation. After two years, she was still unable to read notes and play anything beyond an entry level piece. She had absolutely no foundation that we felt was essential to encourage her further appreciation of music. After two years with Mike, she recognizes notes correctly and has that placement sense of where her fingers belong on the keyboard without having to stare down.

She is taking an active interest in seeking out music that she wants to play now that she knows how to “read” the music. Keoni still has a long way to go before Carnegie Hall, but we know that with Mike’s guidance, she is on the right track. Thanks Mike!”
